Sunday, September 7, 2008


so, as my first twice in one day blog, i'm going to just say that today has been pretty tough.

a-drain is going through a rough patch here, and the wife and i are at our wits end. she's got him sleeping in her beco carrier right now, but he wakes up if she stops walking. he's got extremely light (like the walls of an apartments) diarrhea, his eye teeth coming in, and we've been doing the weening thing for the past week.

yeah. it's been a long day. probably going to be a long night as well.

coffee of the sunday

type: guatamala finca la florencia 100% bourbon.
roast: fluidized bed 80 s after first crack. (city +)
brew: french press


Dry Fragrance: A little on the mild side, subtle flowers? 4.0
Wet Aroma: Smells like good coffee 3.9
Brightness/Acidity: ZING! 9.1
Flavor Depth: Tons of spice. Is that mint? 9.0
Body/Movement: A little on the thin side. 2.8
Finish/Aftertaste: A happy goodbye. 9.1
87.9 score: 87.3

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

by popular demand: the mess

So, this is where the magic happens. I just mentioned last week that I love coffee. As I write this I'm enjoying a Honduras Organic Maracala -Cocosam Coop via the aeropress that I got as a present. The aeropress makes a great (and strong) cup of coffee. The Honduran is decent... certainly not the best I've ever had, it's far too light and bright. The fluidized bed roaster certainly doesn't help, even at darker roasts it seems to attach a lightness to most coffees.

The roaster is a freshroast plus 8:
From coffee

Which sets nestled in by the la pavoni grinder:
From coffee

(I'm working on getting a baratza. No need for anything more than that as I don't really do espresso)

These two machines comprise the 'lower level', as we rise in elevation we see the nesco and the frech press. This is the french press I keep at home. I also have a bodum 'kenya' that I keep at work with the aeropress:
From coffee

As we pan out we see the giant mess that is my coffee corner.
From coffee

A brief rundown here:
The table itself is made from a randomly extra cabinet door that was behind our fridge. The legs were purchased for $5 each from retro petes in St. Paul. The shade was sewn by my wife. It's a cute take on 1950's life. My favorite is the child in the backseat asking "are we there yet". It reminds me so much of adrian. The little white plastic thing next to the grinder is my scale. 75g batches, oh yeah. The small canning jars are a great way to keep the coffee from excess oxygen after roasting.
The mess is mine. I'm not much for wiping up any stray grounds, and when they get wet they seem to magically stain the table.